Writing an Effective SMS Marketing Message

Why SMS Marketing Is Essential for Promoting Your Business


Promotional SMS is one of the most influential and powerful business marketing tools around. The open rate for SMS messages is higher than any other medium, with 98% of text messages opened within three minutes or less.


SMS marketing has many benefits when it comes to promotional and transactional reach and engagement. Its popularity has surged in recent years as more people use smartphones, and more businesses are learning to utilise these devices for marketing interaction.


Businesses no longer need to rely on basic email campaigns and in store promotion. SMS has a clear marketing advantage in reaching customers, no matter where they are.


10 Advantages of Using SMS Messages for Marketing Campaigns



Sending SMS text messages is immediate. They are delivered quickly, and almost everyone opens them right away.


No Delivery Barriers

Unlike the high percentage of promotional emails that get stuck in SPAM folders, SMS is delivered directly to your customer’s handset – no hurdles. Just delivery.


Customers Love SMS

SMS is easy to access and simple to use, and the open rate is far ahead of any other type of messaging or promotional advertising.



SMS text messaging is virtually carbon-free, so if making your business green is a goal, SMS is an excellent way to go.


Direct Communication

Other than calling customers or meeting face-to-face, texting is the most direct way to contact and communicate your message directly to your customers.


Ease of Use and Access

Text messages are easy to read, easy to handle, and easy to remember – perfect for advertising and promotional marketing.


Delivery Receipts

Service providers and online SMS providers like Edgility can track when your messages are sent and delivered.


Lead Generation

Virtual Numbers provide potential customers with a non-committal way to “text in” get information or give their feedback. All messages you receive are logged in your account, so you can follow up with a response or promotion.


The Personal Touch

Customers can opt-in to receive SMS marketing texts, and SMS templates from Edgility make it easy to personalise text messages quickly and effectively.



SMS is affordable, with a great ROI (return on investment) compared to other types of marketing. It’s ideal for businesses that don’t have a hefty budget to work with.


There’s just one catch with SMS marketing: you still have to write an engaging text message that converts. Read on for some tips and advice on crafting those promotional SMS text messages for marketing campaigns and using this cost-effective, targeted promotional platform.


Tips and Advice about Text Messages for Marketing Campaigns


Obtain Consumer Consent

No one likes spam. No matter how innovative or valuable your products or services are, sending unsolicited SMS messages will not sit well with consumers. The first thing you have to do is gain their consent to send promotional messages.


There are several ways to get customers to sign up for your notifications. Website registration, online promotions, competitions and in-store sign up are all engaging ways to build your messaging list.


The more challenging part is maintaining that initial consent. The best way to do that is to be transparent from the beginning about what type of communication they should expect. Also, offering people an easy way to unsubscribe from the messaging list can encourage people to stay.


Simplify Your SMS

When it comes to text messaging, short and sharp is the key. Using as few words and characters as possible to get your message across should be the goal.


Once you’ve composed your text message, trim the excess. Assess the message and determine if any information can be cut and still maintain the vital essence of the text message.


There are many tools available to help craft concise, clear SMS messages, including SMS length calculators to help you plan your message. URL shorteners can save space in the message, shortening an extensive web address down to a tiny link.


SMS templates are also a great way to set up messaging and ensure they are short and consistent. Edgility offers various tools to assist with regular SMS campaigns, allowing you to craft text messages that are error-free and effortless.


Target Your Customers

Personalised marketing is effective, and text marketers need to consider this as they generate and send SMS promotions. Though SMS promotional marketing is cost-effective, you’re still wasting advertising money if you do not use the wealth of analytics and demographics available.


Begin with your current customers. You know them, and you know what they like. Using that information as a starting point, do your research.

Learning tidbits of information about where your customer wants to shop, what social media platforms they prefer, and even food and entertainment preferences will help you create messages that target them with the information they will be interested in and delivered in a way that appeals to them.


When you can send your customers promotional and transactional SMS text messages that appeal to them, you maximise your reach and engagement, as well as the potential for converting them into loyal and satisfied customers.


Be Specific

Whether you send SMS for events, promotions, or sales, ensure that your text messages are specific. If your text message promotion is about a sale, include when it starts, when it ends, and any other details about the sale such as the pricing or percentage off and if any criteria are required to get the deals.


If you can’t add everything in the text message, include a link to the rest of the information. Remember, no one likes to have their time wasted, so make sure every piece of information is accurate and precise.


For event promotion, including the location and when the event will take place is vital. A map link to help the customer find the event should also be part of the SMS message. You should also add links to the site or social media page to see photos and further information about the event. Photos and videos, along with reviews, will help customers decide if they want to attend.


Optimise Your SMS

Promotional SMS need to be short and on-point. Ask yourself the following questions as you craft your message:

  • What is my core message?
  • What information do my customers need?
  • What are the details that will appeal to my customers?
  • Who is my audience? Am I targeting the right people?
  • What SMS features should I be using?

Ask yourself these questions every time you create text messages for marketing campaigns.


Close With a Call to Action

The goal of any marketing is conversion – you want your prospective customers to become actual customers. Your message to your customers may be great, but if you don’t make it simple for them to take advantage of your message, they may not make the effort.


A call-to-action “button” or link allows customers to interact quickly. The more opportunities given for your customers to sign up, opt-in, RSVP, or show an online coupon or voucher, the greater their engagement in the text message promotion.


Another way to encourage engagement is to request that they leave a review or recommendation for your product or service. It could be a simple SMS text that requests a thumbs up or thumbs down reply, and you can follow up for more detailed feedback.


SMS Style Dos and Don’ts

When composing your promotional SMS text messages, use language that suits your brand, personality, and style. Add the occasional emoji when relevant to add emphasis or visual prompt to your message. Use punctuation, such as an exclamation point or question mark, to add stress or excitement or ask a question.

However, try to avoid the following:

  • Text abbreviations – some customers may not understand them
  • Overused emojis
  • Stiff or impersonal tone
  • All caps – it’s the visual equivalent of yelling at your customers
  • Multiple exclamation points or question marks


Learn More About SMS Marketing

Any business can benefit from adding SMS text messaging as part of its marketing strategy. Fast and reliable in its delivery, promotional SMS for marketing campaigns has a wide range of uses. It is ideal for businesses that want to achieve reach and engagement while keeping costs low.

Creating compelling, professional SMS marketing texts is one of Edgility’s specialties. We are an online SMS provider based in Australia, serving customers throughout the country and New Zealand.


Our unique SMS Gateway platform, called MessagePort, allows you to send promotional SMS texts to any number of customers within seconds. Serving as a direct connection between you, the customer, and the telecommunication network, MessagePort provides reliable service for your business’s text marketing needs.


For more information about Edgility and what we can do for you and your business, contact us at info@edgility.com.au or by call us on 1300 764 451.